Pain Care Bill of Rights
As a person with pain, you have the right to:
• have your report of pain taken seriously and to be treated with dignity and respect by doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other healthcare professionals.
• have your pain thoroughly assessed and promptly treated.
• be informed by your healthcare provider about what may be causing your pain, possible treatments, and the benefits, risks and costs of each.
• participate actively in decisions about how to manage your pain.
• have your pain reassessed regularly and your treatment adjusted if your pain has not been eased.
• be referred to a pain specialist if your pain persists.
• get clear and prompt answers to your questions, take time to make decisions, and refuse a particular type of treatment if you choose.
Although not always required by law, these are the basic human rights you should expect, and if necessary demand, for your pain care.
Reprinted with permission from:
American Pain Foundation
201 N. Charles Street, Suite 710
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone (888) 615-7246
Fax (410) 385-1832 (*In 2001, I applied for and was granted reprint rights for the American Pain Foundation’s Pain Care Bill of Rights and related documents by Lennie Duensing, of APF. If you are interested in publishing APF documents on your site or in any other publication, go to APF Publications and download their
Reprint Agreement to request consent.)